Community Service with Spondooli
Help further stock market education while getting your college checklist finished with Spondooli
What you will be doing
Spondooli is a free, accessible stock market education app that aims to help teach financial literacy. Over the past 2 years, we as Gulliver students have been working hard to make this app a reality, but, there’s always room for improvement and that’s why you’re here.
How you can do it
This comes in many ways, pick as many as you’d like:
Bug testing and playing Spondooli
This is what we need the most. Spondooli will be soon used by many schools and individuals alike, and for our goal to be accomplished, Spondooli must be the best version of itself.
To earn hours, play the game and report any issues and bugs you might come across. The more bugs you find and the more severe they are, the more hours you’ll earn. For more info, scroll down to Bug Testing Info.
Participate in outreach
Volunteer with Spondooli at CARE Elementary teaching children financial literacy.
Propose and help set up new outreach opportunities.
We only have a few spaces available for this, so make your application count!
Bug Testing Info
First, fill out the linked Google Form below if you’re interested in bug testing.
Click Here for the Bug Testing Application Form
Hours for bug testing:
As long as your bug report can be replicated by us and is not a duplicate, you will receive hours. The amount of hours depends as follows. You will receive all of your hours after the testing period is over, rounded up to the nearest hour.
Small issues/oversights: 0.25 hours per report
Examples include spelling issues, odd formatting, or very small bugs
Noticeable bugs: 1-3 hours per report
Any bugs that intrude upon normal gameplay, such as visual glitches and inconvenience issues.
Game breaking issues: 5+ hours per report
Any exploits that can give an unfair advantage to the player, any security issues, crashes, or other severe issues. Hours will not be given if the issue is not replicable.
Feature requests: 1+ hours per request
If we like your new feature idea and decide to add it to the game, you will receive hours accordingly along with proper crediting. (If it’s good enough, feel free to put Spondooli on your college resume!)