Spondooli March Update
Welcome to our 2nd monthly update!
Let’s take a dive into what we’ve been up to this past month, from Boom N’ Bust to Spondooli merch.
Spondooli Boom N’ Bust
As described in the previous post, Spondooli Boom N’ Bust is an educational game where students go through a select period of stock market history in just a few minutes. The students will use their stock market skills, knowledge of historical events, and strategies utilizing the game’s robust power up system to outplay their opponents. Work on Boom N’ Bust is progressing very well and we are planning to host play sessions in the coming weeks.
Boom N’ Bust Power Ups:
Power ups in Spondooli Boom N’ Bust can range from simple upgrades to game changing events that affect all students. The following are some examples of Boom N’ Bust Power Ups:
The first and most straight-forward category is Self Help where one could buy a simple power up that helps them in their investing strategies. Should the player invest their cash in, for example, a profit accelerator, granting them double profits on their next trade? Or should they save that money in the market for more potential long term growth? These questions will be going through the students' heads as they use, or choose not to use, the power ups.
For permanent upgrades, students should shift their attention to perks. The Profit Multiplier upgrade will increase the profits on all stocks sold after purchase, although not by much in comparison to a profit accelerator. While on the other hand, the Loss Divider upgrade will cut losses permanently, again, not to the extent that the one-time-use Loss Reducer does.
Power Ups can also handicap an opponent of the student using it. For example, the Freeze item will stop a selected student dead in their tracks for 10 seconds, giving the purchaser time to possibly overtake the opponent in the leaderboard. Note: all stocks owned by a frozen player will still appreciate or depreciate in value, according to the market, so this should be taken into account when possibly investing in a Freeze attack.
Lastly, yet possibly most interestingly, is the Global category. The effects are present for all players, good or bad, and, depending on the effect, may even affect the player purchasing it. For instance, the Boom effect would cause the market to become a bull market, regardless of time period, however, only the player activating the Boom would know. This requires students to not solely require their knowledge of historical events, but rather to actually analyze the stocks and graphs as they change.
Say, what if a player, knowing the 2008 recession was about to hit, activated a Boom? Students could be tricked into selling right before the recession while the activator, and any attentive enough to notice the Boom, would reap great profits. The same is true for the Bust effect, just opposite.
The invisible hand, on the other hand (haha), is a game changing power up so complex yet powerful that we do not deem it justice to reveal what it does right now, more info to come when the game releases at the end of this month.
We believe that Power Ups of all kinds are a complementary experience to the regular game play of investing. They force students to not only rely on their knowledge of historical events, while also leveling the playing field for beginner investors. Students who prove themselves great investors also become great targets, thus increasing the challenge for the master investors while also giving newbies the chance to rise up the ranks.
Spondooli Merch
As we mentioned before, improving Spondooli, finishing Boom N’ Bust, and later creating SponDeluxe all require capital to do right. So we have created a stylish and streamlined merchandise line. Our first drop includes 6 designs, 3 straightforward ones based on our logo and 3 more complex yet never overwhelming designs created by our lead artist, Mauricio Luzardo.
Click here or on any of the images above to browse our merch!
When creating this merch, we wanted to create something that you can be proud to own. Something that feels good to wear and, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you are happy with your purchase. Not something you wear once and then throw in the back of the closet, never to be touched again. Some designs are more subdued while others are very showy, no matter which you choose, we hope that you will be satisfied with our designs.
Furthermore, purchasing our merch will help us grow. We are a small high school startup, and, therefore, lack of capital is our main shortcoming. With a steady and reliable inflow of cash, we will easily be able to purchase more frequently updating stock data, add new game modes in Boom N’ Bust, and, of course, make SponDeluxe as great as it can be. We hope that you consider supporting us through the method, keep posted for any new merch drops in the future.